Publishing, Book Formatting, Book Printing

How To Publish a Board Book on Amazon? – Your Guide to Create Children’s Classics!

How To Publish a Board Book on Amazon

The world we live in is full of screens, full of webpages, and full of digital reading, but there’s still something extraordinary and magical about a tangible, rich in color, and beautifully illustrated board book in a child’s hands. From its tactile experience, the immersive coloring, the smell of fresh pages, and those cherished moments that a child experiences are ‘priceless’. If you’re ardent about curating a vibrant board book for children, then it is the perfect time to self-publish now. And where better to launch your creation than on Amazon, the world’s largest online platform for books and literary creations?

Publishing on Amazon can be the first step for self-publishers to achieve that passive income they have always dreamt of. With the right strategy and choosing the right options, authors can bring their board book to life.

Board Books on Amazon

What constitutes a board book on Amazon, North America’s most powerful publisher?
Or, more specifically, is it possible to publish a board book through a major online retailer? After all, don’t they mostly deal with digital options?

One word: Yes. Amazon publishes both online and traditional board books.

The first step is to sign up for the website’s free Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform.

Once it’s up there, other publishing opportunities will become available, such as the company’s CreateSpace program, which provides printing and distribution services.

You can also use an external publisher and use FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). The best option for you depends on your budget and sales goals.

How to Publish a Board Book in Five Simple Steps

We have discussed what board books are. Let’s get into the nuts and bolts of self-publishing.

How do you make your own board book?

Write the Book

The most obvious first step is to write the book. Begin with an outline, and then flesh out your idea. While it may seem tempting to underestimate the challenge, writing a book for babies is a nuanced and intricate task. Many authors find that crafting engaging content for young readers can be even more challenging than writing for older audiences or adults. Embrace the complexity as an opportunity to create something truly special and impactful.

The key is to keep the storyline concise. Once you’ve completed that, go back and simplify it. Most children’s books have two sentences per page, which can be quite a challenge to move a story forward.

As a result, word choice becomes essential, as is plotting a story that can be told in a few words and pictures. You should also have your story critiqued by a professional children’s book editor before paying to have it printed.

Work on the Illustrations

Board books are distinguished primarily by their illustrations. Every page should contain colorful and appealing images that support — and partially tell — the story. If you’re not an artist, your best bet is to collaborate with an experienced children’s book illustrator who can be invaluable in bringing your story to life.

Even if you are an artist, it may be beneficial to consult with a graphics coordinator who can offer suggestions, polish your image drafts, or improve the layout. Furthermore, having a fresh perspective is always beneficial.

However, collaborating with someone else isn’t particularly a requirement, and many board book authors work independently. If that’s your preferred route, seek feedback from friends and family.

Do yourself a favor and look for people who can provide constructive feedback (with a compassionate touch). Though it can be difficult emotionally, all writers must learn to take good notes and incorporate them.

Choose a Printer

The next step is to find a printer and/or publisher who meets your needs and budget.

If this is your first time self-publishing, you may be tempted to go with an all-in-one package that includes editing, printing, and distribution. Sure, for many, this is the best option.

However, it isn’t the only one. Not every service offers board book support, and those that do might adjust their pricing higher to accommodate the use of thicker, more durable paper. It’s worth seeking out specialized providers who offer quality and value for your board book project.

So, do your research and put together a customized team.

If possible, get your preferred printing company involved early on to avoid the pitfalls of custom publishing runs.

Request a Proof Copy

Make a proof copy before ordering a large quantity of books. Most printers will do this as part of the process, but some may charge for “the luxury.”

Be sure to thoroughly review your proofs, as a significant number may have errors. Taking this step ensures that you catch any issues before printing, helping you avoid costly mistakes and ensuring that your final books meet your expectations. This careful review is crucial for a successful and smooth publishing process.

It’s Time to Market Your Book

Marketing is one of the most sought-after aspects of self-publishing. That is why many people strive to sign contracts with large publishers, which have entire departments dedicated to promoting their authors’ work.

Consider how you’ll market your book early on, even as you’re writing it. Recognize that it is a time-consuming task that will make or break your efforts.

So, how would you go about promoting a board book? Here are a few basics:

  • Create a website tailored to your target audience. Include an interactive blog that tracks your progress and features information related to your story. When the book is published and ready for sale, include an e-commerce element so that followers can buy from you and other platforms. (First, check that your distribution contract does not include an exclusivity clause.)
  • Submit your book to online marketplaces like Amazon and Kindle.
  • To promote your book, set up social media accounts and post frequently.
  • To reach your target audience (moms, dads, and grandparents), consider advertising on their preferred websites. If you publish your book through Amazon’s FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) program, you can promote it with sponsored ads.
  • Include links to your book’s sales page in your email signature and professional online profiles.
  • Connect with local schools and libraries to see if they want to carry your book.
  • Contact with local bookstores to see if they would carry your book.

How To Distribute Your Board Book?

First-time self-published authors may struggle to obtain retail distribution.

Most bookstores prefer to purchase books from a single supplier rather than maintaining multiple accounts. However, it wouldn’t be impossible to make a deal.

Try doing the following:

  • Develop a marketing pitch and sales strategy to promote the book. They will be more willing to collaborate with you if they believe it will be successful.
  • Organize book readings at local libraries and bookstores to generate interest.
  • Contact distributors who work with self-publishers, both large and small.

Book distributors such as Amazon are known to make lucrative deals with self-published authors. And who knows, your efforts might catch the attention of someone at a major publishing house. The key is not to give up. Gaining traction takes months. Sticking with it, even on lonely days, is worthwhile.

Self-Publishing Your Board Book on Amazon

Amazon does not currently provide printing services for board books, so you must have them printed elsewhere. But they could be the best place to sell your book online.

The Amazon storefront is a good choice for distribution and reach. Working with Amazon provides you with two options.

  1. Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN): Amazon will handle the financial transaction, but you will be responsible for storing, packing, and shipping the books yourself. They require a 24-hour turnaround, which means you have 24 hours to send the order once you receive it.
  2. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): You ship the books to Amazon, and they will handle the rest, such as storage, shipping, customer service, and returns. Using FBA is also the simplest way to obtain the Prime badge, which many customers appreciate because it translates into free and faster shipping for them.

You’ll earn slightly less with FBA, but the service they provide is worthwhile if you want to spend more time creating and less time performing the duties of an administrative assistant, which are far more time-consuming than many people anticipate.

FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I print a board book directly via Amazon KDP?

Amazon KDP does not currently support board book printing. KDP excels in hardcover and paperback forms. You will have to find a different printing company for board book production. Once your board book is printed, you may list and sell it on Amazon using Amazon Seller Central or Amazon Advantage, thereby allowing you to reach a large audience via Amazon’s marketplace.

2. How should I prep my board book for an Amazon listing?

Make sure your product details are accurate and appealing before listing your board book on Amazon. This includes designing a striking title, writing a compelling product description, and optimizing your listing using pertinent keywords. Excellent illustrations of your board book will help to highlight its design and durability. Choose shipping and pricing policies as well that would appeal to your target market. Proper preparation will improve the visibility and attractiveness of your book on Amazon.

3. For inventory and distribution for my Amazon board book, how should I handle them?

Selling a board book on Amazon allows you to select either fulfilling orders yourself or Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA). Amazon manages storage, shipping, and customer service with FBA; you have to send your inventory to Amazon’s warehouses. If you run fulfillment on your own, you will be in charge of order processing and shipping. To decide the best distribution strategy for your board book, assess your customer service, logistics, and financial situation.

4. What are the best marketing strategies for selling a board book on Amazon?

Start with improving your product listing with SEO-friendly keywords and interesting descriptions to market your board book on Amazon effectively. Encouraging early customer reviews helps to establish credibility. Use Amazon Advertising to raise awareness of your book as well as social media, email newsletters, and parenting forums. Additionally, to stimulate sales, work with bloggers or influencers in the parenting niche, helping to increase the visibility of your book on Amazon.

5. Can I publish a board book on my own and still uphold high standards?

Working with specialized printing companies that handle board book production will help you to self-publish a board book while maintaining high standards. Select a printer that offers durable materials, vivid colors, and safe, kid-friendly finishes. You will be creative and in charge of the layout, content, and design, making sure the finished work satisfies your vision. Your board book can be distributed and sold on Amazon following printing, so reaching a large audience without sacrificing quality.

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